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BOHEMIA ENERGY - belső követelmények kezelése



Number of users:


Initial solution:

e-mail communication



Bohemia Energy is the largest alternative supplier of electricity and gas in the Czech Republic. To date of  December 31,    2013 Bohemia Energy gained over 500 000 customers. They use Easy Project for service project management and requirements of internal customers.


  • System for managing and sharing requirements specified by internal customers
  • User authentication via LDAP
  • Automatic change of user access when changing their classification
  • Restrictions of work flow requirements - users can freely edit your their own requirements
  • Automatic sorting of requirements by departments and request type
  • Informing users about planned outages


A project structure was created in Easy Project for management of requirements of IT departments, HR and Office. In projects there were created task types meeting the requirements.


The requirements are specified with help of user fields. In Easy Project, users are divided by roles which are connected to requirement processing and personal site set up, eg .:

  • Request submitter sees a personal form for entering requirement, inherent requirements, their current status and outages notifications.
  • On their personal site, the solvers see the requirements they are solving and requirements that are approved for further resolving.

Users log in to Easy Project using company login information. After first log in to Easy Project, according to LDAP classification, it creates access to projects in defined roles with a default personal site. Reclassification  of a worker is automatically reflected in access privileges.

Users who do not access to Easy Project, can send requests via e-mail, from which it makes a request.

Customized adjustments: connection to LDAP and automatic change of user's role; change in corporate appearance; adding a filter to evaluate tasks that are not edited in the last hour; chat for a group of users, etc. 

Expansion modules

Help desk

Project budgeting and cash-flow

Chat - quick messages

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